Wednesday, August 5, 2009

A post by Angela

I was feeling very overwhelmed yesterday. I have been under a lot of attack lately, with my work here at the house and my preparations for India. However, as I stepped into the church yesterday and I saw Renae and Jen on the floor with all the supplies around them, I felt this amazing sense of peace come over me, immediately followed by excitement. Our time together was a much needed time for the whole team. We shared a meal, our struggles over the past week and lots of laughter as we packed away. As always I was struck by what a blessing our leaders are. I have so little to worry about, since they have taken care of it all. This morning for the first time in weeks I woke up more excited then stressed. I can't believe I leave for India, the other side of the world, in a little over 5 days. It is surreal to even think about. At this point the only things I can think of to pray for is our safety and protection as we pack for this trip. For our travel to go smooth and for the whole team to be rested and ready to go when we hit the ground in Mumbai! Thank you all for going with us! Angela

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