Thursday, August 13, 2009


Please pray for a couple of special children.

Sonaji (pictured) is very sick. He is around 5 years old although know one knows his exact age. He was abandoned on the side of the road in February probably because of his disease. Dr. Edward nursed him back to health and he was doing good but now he has turned for the worse. His AIDS virus is very advanced and I'm worried he will only make it weeks or maybe even days. My prayer is that God would take him peacefully and that He would not be scared in his finaly moments.

Atul was sick when we arrived this morning. Atul is about 10 years old. He has a fever and cough this morning and is feeling very dizzy. The worry is he may have contracted Swine Flu. He went to the hospital yesterday to get his AIDS medications and was exposed to the the Swine Flu since the the particular hospital he went to is one of the treatment centers he could have been exposed. Pray that he heals quickly and the other children would not get sick and that the swine flu would not attack these fragile children.

1 comment:

  1. Praying for you these precious children - God give them courage and peace that only You can provide.

    Praying for the team as well.


